Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

41 unnecessary delay and the League Secretary promptly notified in writing or by e-mail. If and when the player does decide to join another club, the new club should contact the League Secretary to confirm his/her eligibility and complete the registration process. 5.5 Sanctions Any club found guilty of a breach of this Rule shall be fined a sum of money to be fixed by the Management Committee, and/or have points deducted from their league total. 5.6 Spirit of the Rule The reputation of a club is enhanced if it: (i) is open about any approach to a player of another club, or any approach by a player of another club (ii) does not offer hidden incentives to players (iii) acts within the spirit, as well as the letter, of this Rule. 6. UMPIRES 6.1 Umpires’ Panel The Bassetlaw & District Umpires’Association, of which each League umpire shall be a member, shall maintain a panel of umpires to which any competent person, whether associated with a member club or not, may be appointed. 6.2 Match Appointments (i) Neutral umpires shall officiate in all matches. (ii) The Bassetlaw and District Umpires’ Association shall appoint umpires from the panel to officiate in all League matches. All umpires officiating in the Bassetlaw League for the first time, must sit a written assessment on the Laws of Cricket and Bassetlaw League Rules, and also be interviewed by member(s) of the Umpires’ Assessment Panel. (iii) Should any umpire be unable to accept his appointment he must immediately notify the Umpires’ Appointments Secretary who shall appoint a substitute. Except in extreme and unavoidable circumstances, the Umpires’Appointments Secretary must be informed by 10.00am on the day of the match at the very latest. (iv) In the event of an umpire failing to keep his appointment, the home secretary must at once inform the Umpires’ Appointments Secretary. (v) In the event of the appointed umpire(s) failing to attend the match, or there being no umpires appointed, the captain of the batting side shall use best endeavours to appoint substitute umpires who are senior players. In the event that this is not possible, then the captain shall use best endeavours to ensure that junior players stand as umpire at the striker’s end only. (vi) If no umpire (or substitute) is available, Captains take full responsibility for the conduct of the game. In deciding whether a game should start, be stopped or re-started due to unsatisfactory conditions of the ground, weather or light, every attempt should be made to reach an agreement. Bearing in mind that the safety of players is paramount, should an accident occur which is due to unsatisfactory conditions, then the Captain could be held to be liable. When in doubt, or if the Captains disagree, then play should not take place. Captains are encouraged to report incidents where the actions of players in terms of their behaviour, language and/or conduct is such, that it is felt that the relevant players should be reported to the League Management Committee under its Disciplinary processes.