Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

43 (iv) All reports are to be received by the Secretary of the Bassetlaw & District Umpires’ Association within five days of the match. 7. EXTRAORDINARY MATTERS 7.1 Objection Any club having any objection to the conduct of any umpire, player or team, or any umpire having any objection to the conduct of any player or team in a League match, must state such objections in writing to the League Secretary and, in matters concerning umpires, copied to the Hon. Secretary of the Bassetlaw & District Umpires’ Association. If the objection is sustained, such umpire, player or team shall be dealt with at the discretion of the Management Committee. 7.2 Protest (i) Any protest shall be lodged with the League Secretary in writing by the Thursday following the match or, in the case of a mid-week match, within four days of the playing of such match. (ii) A copy of such protest shall be sent to the club against whom the protest is made and confirmation that this has taken place must be lodged with the League Secretary. (iii) Each protest is to be accompanied by a fee of £5.00 which shall be forfeited if in the opinion of the Management Committee there be no reasonable grounds for such protest, but which shall be refunded if such protest is sustained. (iv) The club sustaining the protest may have the contested points added to its total points gained. (v) Clubs when making a protest shall state under which rule the protest is made. 7.3 Disputes (i) Any disputes having reference to the Laws of Cricket shall be referred to the M.C.C. for settlement and their decision shall be final, but in all other matters the decision of the League shall be final. (ii) If any question shall arise in connection with the League competition or any cup, tournament, or any other competition organised by the League, whether or not the same is already dealt with elsewhere, either in these rules or in the rules of any cup, tournament or other competition, the Committee shall have full power to inflict such penalties on both clubs and players as they shall think fit and their decision shall be final and by way of example, and not by definition, such penalties may be either a fine, deduction of points, suspension or