Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

44 expulsion from the League or any combination of them, and the amount of any fine, the number of points deducted or period of suspension shall be at the absolute discretion of the Committee, whose decision shall be final PROVIDED THAT before any such penalty is imposed:- (a) the player and/or the secretary of the club against whom any complaint has been made shall be notified in writing of the complaint and shall be advised that in the event of the complaint being substantiated the Committee may act in reliance of its powers as contained in this rule. (b) shall be notified of the date, place and time when the Committee shall consider the complaint and shall be entitled to attend and listen to all evidence given in support of the complaint, to question any person giving any such evidence, to call evidence on their own behalf, and to address the Committee and comment on all points raised. 7.4 DISCIPLINE 1. CODE OF CONDUCTAND SPIRIT OF CRICKET 1.1 Code of Conduct 1.1.1 The League is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. This Code of Conduct incorporates the Spirit of Cricket, as set out below. 1.1.2 The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the Laws. 1.1.3 Players and team officials must at all times accept the umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards another player or a spectator. 1.1.4 Players and team officials shall not intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player or a spectator. 1.1.5 Players and team officials shall not use crude and/or abusive language (known as “sledging”) nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent. 1.1.6 Players and team officials shall not make racially abusive comments nor indulge in racially abusive actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters. Clubs must operate an active open door membership policy whilst respecting player qualification regulations and welcome players/members irrespective of ethnic origin. 1.1.7 Players and team officials shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs. 1.1.8 Clubs must take adequate steps to ensure the good behaviour of their members and supporters towards players and umpires.