Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

48 4.4 To provide clear indications to all those who fall within the scope of this procedure, the following corrective actions and penalties will be applied to any complaint of misconduct proven after investigation and hearing. 1. Actions likely to receive at least a Reprimand and/or deduction of match points: Deliberate time wasting Damaging the pitch Intimidatory bowling Deliberate tampering with the match ball to gain advantage Ridiculous appeals from fielders Distracting an opponent Aggressive appealing by a bowler towards an Umpire Failure of the Captain to take appropriate action to control player's conduct/behaviour 2. Actions likely to receive at least a ban from all cricket of 2 weeks and/or a fine and/or a deduction of match points: Continuance of a reprimandable offence 'Sledging' or disparaging remarks towards a player Disparaging remarks about an Umpire Showing dissent towards an Umpire by gesture Disparaging remarks made by a Captain towards an Umpire or other player Unruly behaviour off the field of play including foul or abusive language Any action that could be construed as unfair play or bringing the game into disrepute. 3. Actions likely to receive at least a ban from all cricket of 4 weeks and/or a fine and/or a deduction of match points: Continuance of a reprimandable offence or Category 2 offence Dissent such as bat throwing or breaking the stumps without a genuine reason accepted as part of the game Showing verbal dissent or persistent and unreasonable questioning of an Umpire's decision Using foul or abusive language, or gestures, directed at an Umpire Aggressive behaviour on the field of play including foul and abusive language. 4. Actions likely to receive at least a ban from all cricket of 8 weeks and/or a fine and/or a deduction of match points: Continuance of a reprimandable offence or Category 2 or 3 offence Violence, fighting, or aggressive actions, on or off the field of play, with other players or spectators Violence or aggressive intimidation towards an Umpire Verbal abuse, foul language or actions likely to be so obvious that they are not restricted to those participating in the game Any form of Racist or Sexist comment The above, detailed in categories 1 to 4 are not exhaustive. In addition, where a Club, individual or their representative and witnesses behave inappropriately or fail to respect the formality at any level of