Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

51 An incoming batsman should pass an outgoing batsman on the field of play. In the case of illness or injury during the game a substitute, or a runner, is allowed of right; and at the discretion of the umpires for other wholly acceptable reasons. It is a sporting gesture for the batting side to offer a substitute to the fielding side when the latter has nobody available. Each club is strongly recommended to ensure that it has public liability, including employers’ liability, insurance cover to indemnify the officers, committee or other bona fide members against legal liability for accidental bodily injury or damage to property of third parties. Return of Documents The following documents, and others which may from time to time be distributed, should be submitted in accordance with League Rules 1.9, 2.7 and 6.5 • Match Result Forms • Averages Form # [30th September] • Handbook Directory Information Form # [7th January] # These documents will distributed by e-mail and the Hon. Secretary should be informed if they have not been received in good time. Dates in brackets are when forms are due to be returned. Overseas Players Any club wishing to register an overseas player should ensure that it is aware of, and abides by, the Managed Migration Policy adopted by the ECB in conjunction with the UK Border Agency. The accountability for clubs who wish to become involved in this process should be thoroughly understood and complied with. Clubs should not employ anyone who does not have the legal right to be in the country, or have the legal right to be employed by them and, in case of action being taken, it is the Chairman and Club Committee who will be held accountable. The Bassetlaw & District Cricket League therefore asks, and expects, all clubs to comply with all requirements of the Policy. YOUNG PLAYER REGULATIONS Age groups are based on the age of the player at midnight on 31st August in the year preceding the current season and applies to girls and boys. Therefore any reference to he/his should be interpreted to include she/her. N.B. Anyone born after 31st August 1999 is NOT eligible to play in this League in 2012. The umpires and the opposing captain must be notified of the age group of all players participating in an adult match who are in the Under 19 age group or younger even if the player is not a fast bowler. This requirement also covers any young player taking the field as a substitute fielder. The Team Sheet cards are freely available to facilitate this. Any player in the Under 13 age group must have explicit written consent from a parent or guardian, before participating in adult matches, and written confirmation from a Level 2 coach or above that it is appropriate to their development. Clubs must ensure that their player registration procedures ensure that consent is obtained.