Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

55 Match Result Sheets Important points to note when filling in result sheets. 1. Make sure the Division is filled in at the top. 2. Fill in the names of the teams after “Innings of” at the top of each list, with the team batting first on the left and the team bowling first immediately below. Do not put a team’s bowling analysis on the same side as their own innings. 3. Fill in the names of ALL players who take part (not just those who bat) . 4. Make sure the Extras, Overs, Wickets and Total are filled in for each side. 5. Points gained . Result is points for the match, i.e. 12. 10, 6, 2 or 0. Batting is for batting bonus points. Bowling is for bowling bbonus points. Total is for the total points for the match. N.B. The side winning the match will receive full bonus points (i.e. 4 and 4) if the opposition have been dismissed, or they declared. This is irrespective of whether the winning side batted first or second. Unless you win the match, a declaration by the opposition does not give you full bowling points. 6. Fill in the match summary at the bottom by over writing the names of the teams on top of the faint printing “Team Batting First” and “Team Batting Second”. 7. Fill in your “Home Record To Date.” 8. Do not write in the section “Umpires’ Summary” unless no Umpires were present. 9. Ensure that each captain has checked the information given and signed the sheet in the space provided. 10. Send the sheet by first class post as soon as possible after the match if there has been any play. 11. Do not forget to telephone the result, whether or not there is any play, as soon as possible. 01773 541977 OR Email the information to