Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

56 TELEPHONING OR EMAILING OF RESULTS in accordance with Rule 2.7 (iii) State 1. Division. 2. Total Score and Wickets lost of Team batting first. 3. Total Score and Wickets lost of Team batting second. 4. Points awarded to each team. UMPIRES Umpires will be appointed by the Hon. Umpires’ Appointments Secretary, Mr. J. Leaning, 2 Northlands, Harthill, Sheffield S26 7XZ (01909 770061) to whom communications from umpires, or from clubs concerning umpires should be sent. Appointments will be made in two rotas, and details of appointments in that period sent to all umpires individually, and to the clubs. Communications from umpires regarding contravention of League Rules, including Disciplinary Reports, should be sent to the League Secretary. Other communications from umpires, or from clubs concerning umpires, should be sent to the Umpires’ Association Secretary, Mr. E. Devney, 39 Collier Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. NG19 8HS 01623 468617 e-mail: INSTRUCTIONS TO UMPIRES The current fielding regulations must be adhered to and enforced by the umpires and captain. The umpires are empowered by these fielding regulations to stop the game immediately if a young player comes within the restricted distance. The umpires and the opposing captain must be notified of the age group of all players participating in an adult match who are in the Under 19 age group or younger even if the player is not a fast bowler. This requirement also covers any young player taking the field as a substitute fielder. The Team Sheet cards are available to facilitate this. Umpires and players must not smoke on the field of play whilst a match is in progress. The use of light meters is not permitted.