Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

522.60 Representative matches 126.85 667.50 Shirts, sweaters and caps -- 50.00 Umpires’ expenses 75.00 105.00 Match balls 59.96 150.00 Website expenses 200.00 7.77 Corporation tax -- -- Sundry expenses 95.00 6369.72 Balance carried forward 4896.04 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ 20532.61 17650.72 20532.61 17650.72 ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ Prepared by Peter Neale (Honorary Treasurer) INDEPENDENT EXAMINER'S REPORT I have examined, without carrying out an audit, the records supplied by the Honorary Treasurer and have received such explanations as were considered necessary for the preparation of this examination. I hereby certify that this receipts and payments account is in accordance therewith. Roger Heath 61