Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2013

5 Rules & Playing Conditions 45 play each other twice, both home and away, or should fulfil a reduced programme of fixtures arranged by the Fixture Secretary. Should a ballot be tied, the LMC shall decide on the number of fixtures to be arranged. (viii) Any request for a change of fixture after 31 st October must be submitted in writing to the Fixture Secretary not less than ten days before the date of the proposed change. Such changes must have the sanction of the LMC who will only allow them in exceptional circumstances. (ix) The League Secretary will notify clubs of dates on which a Representative XI may be required. No player selected to play for the League in a representative match will be allowed to play in any competition within the League’s jurisdiction on the day of that match without the express permission of the LMC. (x) No team is granted Sunday League matches on dates which have been set aside for ‘The Harry Tomlins Trophy’ games. (xi) Special arrangements will be made by the LMC if two teams from the same club are in the lowest Division. 2.5 Cancellation of Matches (i) A cancellation due to adverse playing conditions may be made by the home club ONLY WITH THE VERBAL AGREEMENT OF THE AWAY CLUB (email and text messages should not be used). It shall be the responsibility of the home club to inform the appointed Umpires of any cancellation. (ii) No such cancellation shall be made before 10.00am on the day on which the match is to be played. Failure by the home club to contact the away club to seek agreement that the game is cancelled due to adverse playing conditions, and the away team arrive at the ground believing the game is to be played, then the sanctions stated at Rule 2.5(vi) shall apply, although no points shall be deducted from the Divisional total of the home team. (iii) All such cancellations must be agreed by the two clubs and the appointed Umpires informed not later than two hours before the scheduled start time. (iv) Unless a match is cancelled under this rule, the visiting team shall be responsible for the payment of the teas provided for it by the home club. (v) If the away team has travelled, the appointed Umpires shall assess the ground conditions and allow play to commence unless it is deemed dangerous. The Umpires shall be the sole authority in such matters. Should there be no appointed Umpires the Captains shall have sole authority. If the Captains disagree, the match shall be cancelled and the League Secretary notified.