Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2013

6 The Harry Tomlins Trophy – Rules & Playing Conditions 85 8 Playing Conditions 8.1 Hours of Play (i) All matches will commence at 2.00pm. With the agreement of both Captains (and the Umpires informed), this may be amended to an earlier start time. (ii) Teams have 2 hours 30 minutes to bowl 40 overs. (iii) There shall be an interval of 10 minutes between the innings plus 20 minutes for tea. (iv) The Umpires will have sole authority as to when intervals shall be taken. 8.2 Length of Innings (i) Each side shall bat for 40 overs unless all out earlier. If the team batting first is dismissed in less than 40 overs, the team batting second shall be entitled to bat for 40 overs. (ii) All sides are expected to have completed their 40 overs within 2 hours 30 minutes playing time. This equates to a minimum of 16 overs per hour. It is the responsibility of the Captain to ensure that his team bowl their allocated overs within the playing time. (iii) Umpires shall make due time allowance for one drinks interval per innings, if taken, and for unavoidable stoppages caused by injury or other extenuating circumstances. (iv) If in the opinion of the Umpires, the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the first innings, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled. The batting side shall receive an additional six penalty runs for each over not started at that time. The bowlers end Umpire shall signal six runs to the scorers before the first ball of each late over is bowled. These shall be recorded as penalty runs. The interval shall be of the full 30 minutes duration and the innings of the team batting second shall commence thereafter. If in the opinion of the Umpires, the team fielding second fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the second innings, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled. The batting side shall receive an additional six penalty runs for each over not started at that time. The bowlers end Umpire shall signal six runs to the scorers before the first ball of each late over is bowled. These shall be recorded as penalty runs.