Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2014

50 3.10 Late Start (i) In the event of a late start, notwithstanding Rule 3.5, the Umpires must intimate to the Captain(s) of the offending team(s) that a complaint will be made to the League Secretary. In the event of no umpires being present, the Captain(s) should make the complaint. The LMC shall have the power to impose a fine not exceeding £20.00 on the offending club(s), with a deduction of 1 point for each over lost up to a maximum of 5 points. (ii) A minimum of 7 players per side must be present before a game can start. If 7 players are not present within one hour after the scheduled start, the game shall be called off and the Umpire(s) shall report the fact to the LMC. In the event of no umpires being present, the Captain(s) should make the report. 3.11 Wearing Apparel No players shall be allowed to play unless they are wearing recognised white cricket apparel. 3.12 Boundaries (i) The boundaries on all grounds must have a boundary line clearly defined. Attention is drawn to the possible risk of injury to a fielder by the use of metal or wooden stakes to define a boundary. (ii) No part of any sightscreen should be within the field of play. A rope should be placed on the ground around a sightscreen where an obstruction prevents the sightscreen being positioned outside the normal boundary line. (iii) Where the frequent movement of a sightscreen is required the batting side should provide the necessary persons to achieve this with the minimum of delay. (iv) Boundary hits shall count as four runs, except for a ball hit full pitch on to, or clear of, the boundary line shall count six runs, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Captains before the commencement of play. 3.13 Ground Assessment Ground conditions, and especially pitches, shall be confidentially assessed by the umpires in consultation who shall submit a report to the League Secretary at their discretion. 3.14 Ground Criteria (i) For entry to the Championship, the following ten requirements must be in place by the last day of September in the year/season in which the right to promotion to the Championship has been earned: