Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2014

62 (iii) Using the registration timescales stipulated in Rule 5.5(i) a), clubs are to be aware that there is no guarantee that a registration will be accepted. It is imperative that the club is aware of the player’s past registration history, and whether they may have any outstanding financial issues or disciplinary matters which would delay or deny a player’s registration. When a late registration is submitted and subsequently rejected, this will result in the player(s) being deemed as unregistered and the sanction advised under Rule 5.6(iii) will apply. (iv) Using the registration timescales stipulated in Rule 5.5(i) b), clubs are to ensure that the player does not play until their registration is confirmed by the Player Registrar. 5.6 Sanctions and Appeals (i) Clubs found to be in serious breach of regulations in respect with Player Registration will be dealt with at the discretion of the LMC. (ii) Clubs playing ineligible player(s) will retain no points from the game and will incur a £10.00 fine for each ineligible player. Their opponents will be awarded the maximum points available. In the event of both teams playing ineligible player(s), their own penalties will apply. Neither team will benefit from the award of any additional points as a result of its opponents’ misdemeanour. Further point deductions may be imposed and financial penalties levied at the discretion of the LMC. (iii) Clubs playing unregistered player(s) will face a sanction as determined by the LMC. (iv) Both players and clubs may appeal against registration decisions. Such appeals must be submitted in writing to the League Secretary within four days of the registration decision. The onus will be placed on the club to clarify the registration position of any of its players prior to their inclusion in a match. 5.7 Spirit of the Rule The reputation of the club is enhanced if it: (i) Is open about any approach to a player of another club, or any approach by a player of another club. (ii) Does not offer hidden incentives to players. (iii) Acts within the spirit, as well as the letter, of this rule.