Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2014

76 (v) Complete the Points gained from the match for both sides (Rule 2.6). a) Result - points gained from the result, i.e. 12, 10, 6, 2 or 0. b) Batting - batting bonus points gained. c) Bowling – bowling bonus points gained. d) Total - the total points gained from the match. The side winning the match will receive full bonus points (i.e. 4 and 4) if the opposition have been dismissed, or they declared. This is irrespective of whether the winning side batted first or second. Unless you win the match, a declaration by the opposition does not give you full bowling points. (vi) Complete the match summary at the bottom by over writing the names of the teams on top of the faint printing “Team Batting First” and “Team Batting Second”. (vii) Complete the “Home Teams Record to Date” section (viii) Each captain is to check the information given and both are to sign the sheet in the space provided. (ix) The sheet is to be sent to the League Statistician either by email to or by First-Class post, to be sent by the earliest collection after the match. No ‘BDCL Result Sheet’ should be received by the League Statistician more than 5 days after the completion of the match. (x) The “Umpires’ Summary” section be completed by the standing officials. Before signing, umpires are instructed to record: a) The time the game commenced. b) The duration of each innings. c) The number of late overs in each innings, if applicable. d) The time the game ended. e) Whether each team provided a designated scorer. 8.8 Completing of online scorecards via the ECB Play-Cricket Network Where scorecards are entered via electronic means (e.g. Laptop using TCS), clubs need to ensure the validity of the uploaded data. Where scorecards are not entered, incomplete or contain errors, Rule 2.7(i) will be applied. To enter a result, log onto your club’s ECB Play-Cricket Website as an Administrator user and enter the ‘Administration’ pages. Using the ‘Result’ button on the left hand side, locate the relevant fixture using the search field and once located, click on the icon under ‘Edit Result’.