Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

8 Historical Data and Statistics – Representative Honours 187 Representative Honours To date, 243 players have represented the Bassetlaw & District Cricket League in competitive matches: Name TA Club Year(s) and Appearances D Adams 1 Staveley Welfare 1988 C Adwick 3 Retford 1992 Cuckney 2006 (2) A Afford 1 Notts. 1985 S Alford 2 P&L 2004 L Ambrose 1 Worksop 2006 S Ambrose 12 Blyth 1989, 1991 (5), 1992 (2) Retford 1993 (3) Firbeck Colliery 1999 D Andrews 2 Marshalls 2009, 2010 G Andrews 7 Marshalls 2009 (2), 2010 (2), 2011, 2012 Kiveton Park 2013 J Antcliff 1 Welbeck Colliery 1967 N Ashley 1 Chesterfield 1993 J Atkinson 12 Steetley 1983 (4), 1984 (5), 1985 (3) JC Bacon 2 Bridon 1988 C Barratt 1 Glapwell Colliery 2008 S Bell 1 Welbeck Colliery 1997 S Bentley 8 Bridon 1999 Worksop 2004 (2), 2005 (3), 2006 (2) Cuckney 2007 J Best 2 Welbeck Colliery 1997 N Best 1 Steetley 1983 R Bilbie 4 Worksop 1965, 1966, 1968 (2) G Billam 6 Worksop 1984, 1985, 1996 Bridon 1997 (2), 1998 J Birch 2 Worksop 1974 Steetley 1976 D Bircumshaw 2 Glapwell Colliery 2010 N Birkett 3 Thoresby Colliery 2005 I Blackwell 1 Chesterfield 1998 MK Bore 15 Notts. 1984 (4), 1985 (2), 1986, 1987 (4*), 1988 (3*) Blidworth 1989* R Bostock 1 Arnold 2003 J Bovill 13 Retford 1986, 1987 (6), 1988 (3), 1993 (2), 1996 A Bowers 24 Chesterfield 1972 (4), 1973 (6), 1974, 1978 (3), 1979, 1980 (3), 1981 (2), 1984, 1985 (2), 1986