Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

70 • Showing dissent towards an Umpire by gesture • Disparaging remarks made by a Captain towards an Umpire or other player • Unruly behaviour off the field of play including foul or abusive language • Any action that could be constructed as unfair play or bringing the game into disrepute c) Actions likely to receive at least a ban from all cricket of 6 weeks and/or a fine and/or a deduction of match points: • Continuance of a reprimandable offence or Category 2 offence • Showing physical dissent without genuine reason as accepted as part of the game • Showing verbal dissent or persistent and unreasonable questioning of an Umpire’s decision • Using foul or abusive language, or gestures, directed at an Umpire • Aggressive behaviour on or off the field of play including foul and abusive language d) Actions likely to receive at least a ban from all cricket of 10 weeks and/or a fine and/or a deduction of match points: • Continuance of a reprimandable offence or Category 2 or 3 offences • Violence, fighting or aggressive actions, on or off the field of play with other players or spectators • Violence or aggressive intimidation towards an Umpire • Verbal abuse, foul language or actions likely to be so obvious that they are not restricted to those participating in the game • Any form of abusive action or comment due to an individual’s perceived membership within a certain social group The above, detailed in categories 7.4.4(ii) a) to d) are not exhaustive. In addition, where a Club, individual or their representative and witnesses behave inappropriately or fail to respect the formality at any level of hearing, the Disciplinary and Appeals Sub-Committees reserve the right to impose further corrective actions or penalties as they see fit. (iii) Decisions of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee (a finding that a complaint is proved or not proved or a decision or penalty) shall be by majority vote; where necessary the Panel Chairman shall have a casting vote.