Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2016

74 (v) The one run penalty for a no-ball or wide is in addition to any other runs scored. All runs scored off no-balls and wides, including the penalty run itself, are to be debited against the bowler. If, from a no-ball, the batsman plays the ball with his bat, runs which result will be credited to him, except for the one penalty run which will be a no-ball extra. If the batsman does not play the ball with his bat all runs will be no-ball extras. NO-BALL e.g. = one run penalty = one run penalty plus two no-ball extras = one run penalty plus three runs scored off the bat WIDE e.g. = one run penalty = one run penalty plus one wide extra (vi) The total runs scored by all batsmen plus all runs scored as no-balls or wides (the bowling extras) must equal the total runs conceded by all the bowlers. The total runs conceded by all the bowlers plus all runs scored by byes, leg byes and penalty runs to the batting side (the fielding extras) must equal the total innings score. The summary section of the bowling analysis should show the number of no- balls and wides bowled as opposed to how many runs have been scored off the no-balls and wides. (vii) During the progress of the game both scorers should frequently check the total to ensure that the score books agree; the home club scorer should complete the ‘BDCL Result Sheet’ as the game proceeds. When recording details of the first innings of a match on the ‘BDCL Result Sheet’ before the end of the game, record any penalty runs, the total extras and the innings total in pencil. These are provisional and will have to be amended if, during the second innings of the match, any 5 run penalties are awarded to the team which batted first. 8.7 Completing of online scorecards via the ECB Play-Cricket Network Where scorecards are entered via electronic means (e.g. Laptop using TCS), clubs need to ensure the validity of the uploaded data. Where scorecards are not entered, incomplete or contain errors, Rule 2.7(v) will be applied. To enter a result, log onto your club’s ECB Play-Cricket Website as an Administrator user and enter the ‘Administration’ pages. Using the ‘Result’ button on the left hand side, locate the relevant fixture using the search field and once located, click on the icon under ‘Edit Result’.