Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2017

4 Constitution, Rules & Playing Conditions 43  (ii)  In addition to Law 11 the following will apply:  When covers are available, in the event of rain preventing play, the whole of  the pitch shall be covered on the Umpires’ instructions.  3.3 Hours of Play – General Information  (i)  For the Championship, matches shall commence at 1.00pm in April to August  and at 12.30pm in September.   For all other Divisions, matches shall commence  at 1.30pm in April to August and at 1.00pm in September.  Clubs may, if they so desire, start earlier if they mutually agree; the Umpires’  Appointments Secretary must be informed.  (ii)  There shall be an interval of 10 minutes between the innings plus 20 minutes  for tea.  (iii) All sides are expected to be in position to bowl the first ball of the last of their  allocated number of overs within 3 hours (Championship) or 2 hours 45 minutes  (Division 1‐7).  This equates to a minimum of  16.67 overs (Championship)  or 16.73 overs  (Division 1‐7); teams should therefore aim for a minimum of 17 overs per hour.  It is the responsibility of the Captain to ensure that his team bowl their  allocated overs within the playing time.  (iv) A variation in time of 3½ minutes per over shall be made if more or less than  the allocated number of overs are scheduled to be bowled (rounded up to the  nearest minute where necessary).  (v)  No match shall start later than 3 hours after the scheduled start time.  (vi) Umpires shall make due time allowance for all drinks intervals per innings, if  taken, and for unavoidable stoppages caused by injury or other unforeseen  circumstances.  (vii) The Umpires shall have sole authority as to when intervals shall be taken.  (viii) If in the opinion of the Umpires, either fielding team fails to bowl the required  number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the innings, play  shall continue, subject to the prevailing ground, weather or light conditions,  until the required number of overs has been bowled, or a result has been  achieved.  The Umpires shall record and report all overs started by the fielding side after  the time allowed, and a team shall subsequently forfeit 1 league table point for  each ‘late’ over.  Any intervals due shall be of the full duration.  (ix) The Umpires shall inform the fielding team Captain when taking the field for  the first time and on every subsequent occasion if play is interrupted by the