Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2017

52  (ii)  The duty of care should be interpreted in two ways:  a)  Not to place a young player in a position that involves an unreasonable  risk to that young player, taking account of the circumstances of the  match and the relative skill of the player.  b)  Not to create a situation that places members of the opposing side in a  position whereby they cannot play cricket as they would normally do  against adult players.  (iii)  Every club MUST :  a)  Nominate a Club Welfare Officer who will advise and ensure that  Safeguarding is being adhered to in the club.  b)  Ensure the following club personnel undertake a Vetting Check (DBS):  •  Coach/Coaches  •  Scorer(s)  •  Colts/Junior Managers  •  Age Group Managers  •  Open Age Group Team Captains (where players under 18 are  regularly in the side)  •  Junior Supervisors  •  First Aiders  •  Physiotherapists  •  Medical Support  •  Umpires (League Umpires are managed by the BDUA)  c)  Ensure that all other club personnel not listed above undertake a Vetting  Check if they are to have regular/unsupervised or sole access to children.  (iv)  Every Club Welfare Officer MUST :  a)  Attend a ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ workshop accredited by  Sportscoach UK.  b)  Attend the ECB ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’  Workshop advising of the role, requirements and responsibilities of child  safeguarding in clubs.  c)  Undertake a Vetting Check  (v)  Further details can be obtained from:  a)  The League Welfare Officer  b)  The NCB County Welfare Officer  c)  The ECB Website