Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2018

188  Appendix 5 – NCB Guidelines for Junior Players in Open Age Cricket On 14th December 2015 following its regular review of this policy the  Nottinghamshire Cricket Board Directors decided to make a small but significant  change to their policy. With immediate effect the following policy will apply to  Nottinghamshire cricket:  a)  A small number of Year 7 Under 12 age group County players (Under 12  years on 31 st  August 2015) can be selected to play in open age cricket.   Their names will be published on an ‘Approved List’ available on the NCB  website  ( ).  b)  The Board’s Player Pathway Development Officer will be responsible for  identifying which players are assessed as fit and ready to play in open  age cricket.  This decision will be based on the players’ skills & abilities,  cricket experience, stage of cognitive & emotional development and  their future potential playing levels.  c)  No appeals will be permitted for any Under 12 County Player (Under 12  on 31 st  August 2015) not selected.  d)  The ‘Approved List’ will appear on the NCB website each year.  Selected  players and their parents/guardians will be informed.   The player and a  parent/guardian MUST give explicit written consent to play in open age  cricket, the same process any Year 8 player (Under 13 on 31st August  2015) has to undertake.  Club Welfare Officers can assist with this  process.   Leagues will be informed in order that appropriate player  registrations may be carried out including entry on Play‐Cricket.  Clubs  who have players on the ‘Approved List’ will also be notified.  This list will  be published following the completion of the squad’s winter training  programme which is around the start of the playing season.  e)  Each year the County Under 12 squad (Under 12 on 31 st  August 2015) will  be selected following trials around September of the previous year and  will generally consist of 14 players.  Some members of this squad may  not be selected to play in open age cricket and therefore their name will  not appear on the ‘Approved List’.  f)  If a player in Year 6 or below (Under 11 on 31 st  August 2015) is selected  for the County Under 12 squad, they will NOT be considered for inclusion  on the ‘Approved List’.