Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2018
18 MILTON w: ‐ Secretary Stephen Lingley, 35 Machin Close, Tuxford, NG22 0JZ m: 07527 360457 e: Contacts CWO Kate Davies m: 07866 264049 1 st XI Captain Joe Saxelby m: 07714 442774 2 nd XI Captain Joe Warriner m: 07825 601836 3 rd XI Captain David Bailey m: 07940 526844 Grounds 1) Main Street, Milton, NG22 0PP 2) Walesby Village Sports Club, Forest Lane, Walesby, NG22 9PF 3) Rockley Gentleman Cricket Club, Mill Lane, Rockley, DN22 0QP MISTERTON w: ‐ Secretary Peter Snow, Chapel Cottage, Main Street, Graizelound, Haxey, DN9 2LY t: 01427 753039 e: Contacts CWO Jack Beecroft m: 07969 041383 CWO George Taylor t: 01777 709598 1 st XI Captain Darren Emmingham m: 07909 527715 1 st XI Vice‐Captain Matthew Boscolo m: 07805 763429 Cancellations Chris Bramham m: 01427 891693 Cancellations David Manning m: 07557 961547 Ground Marsh Lane, Misterton, DN10 4DL
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