Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2019

4 Constitution, Rules & Playing Conditions 69  Any other factor relevant to the particular circumstances of the alleged  behaviour.  7.14.2 In addition, where a Club, individual or their representative and witnesses  behave inappropriately or fail to respect the formality at any level of hearing,  the Disciplinary and Appeals Sub‐Committees reserve the right to impose  further corrective actions or penalties as they see fit.  7.14.3 Decisions of the Disciplinary Sub‐Committee (a finding that a complaint is  proved or not proved or a decision or penalty) shall be by majority vote; where  necessary the Panel Chairman shall have a casting vote.  7.14.4 Where any player has been found guilty of disciplinary offences in the same  season on two or more occasions, both the player and his/her club shall be  fined a sum not exceeding £50 by the LMC.  An additional ban from playing of  a further 2 weeks shall be imposed upon that player at each separate  subsequent disciplinary hearing, in addition to any penalties imposed by the  Disciplinary Sub‐Committee on each occasion.  A ban from ALL CRICKET shall remain in place, until both fines (club and player)  have been satisfactorily paid to the League Treasurer.  7.15 Appeals Procedure  7.15.1 A player or club found guilty of a Disciplinary offence will have the right of  appeal to the Appeals Sub‐Committee.  Notice of Appeal stating whether the  appeal is against the finding, or is against the penalties imposed, and setting  out the grounds must be given in writing to the League Secretary within seven  days of the decision of the Disciplinary Sub‐Committee, together with a  deposit of £50.00.  7.15.2 If Notice of Appeal is given the penalty shall not take effect pending the  hearing of the Appeal.  7.15.3 The Appeal shall be by way of re‐hearing before a different Committee.  The  composition of the Committee shall be at the discretion of the Chairman and  shall consist of not less than three persons.  The player or club shall have the  same rights of attendance and representation, and to call witnesses as they  had before the Disciplinary Sub‐Committee.  7.15.4 The Appeals Sub‐Committee may confirm, vary or reverse the decision of the  Disciplinary Sub‐Committee and it shall have the power to increase the  penalty.  Decisions of the Appeals Sub‐Committee shall be by majority vote,  where necessary, the Chairman having a casting vote.  7.15.5 The Appeals Sub‐Committee shall have the power, where they consider an  appeal to be without merit, to order the deposit to be forfeited to the League.  7.15.6 The decision of the Appeals Sub‐Committee or, if no appeal, of the Disciplinary  Sub‐Committee, shall be final and binding.