Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2019

84  8.3.3 The calculation of the number of overs to be bowled and the time allowed is  determined using the following table:  Delay  (minutes)  Overs  Lost/Left  Overs  per Team  Time allowance  (length of innings)  00 7.5 0 0 2/38 19 1h 11m  0 15 .00 0 4/36  18  1h 0 7m  0 22.5 0 0 6/34  17  1h 0 3m  0 30 .00 0 8/32  16  1h 00m 0 37.5 0 10/30  15  0h 56m  0 45 .00 12/28  14  0h 52m  0 52.5 0 14/26  13  0h 48m  0 60 .00 16/24  12  0h 45m  0 67.5 0 18/22  11  0h 41m  0 75 .00 20/20  10  0h 37m  0 82.5 0 22/18  0 9  0h 33m  0 90 .00 24/16  0 8  0h 30m  0 97.5 0 26/14  0 7  0h 26m  105 .00 28/12  0 6  0h 22m  112.5 0 30/10  0 5  0h 18m  112.5+  Abandoned – see Rule 8.5.4 and Rule 8.5.5 The calculation of the time allowance with which to bowl the allocated overs  is based on one over for each 3¾ minutes, rounded up to the nearest minute  where appropriate.  Competition Rules 8.2.5, 8.2.6 and 8.5.5 will apply.  8.4  In Interrupted Matches  8.4.1 In the event of an interruption during the 1st innings, the calculation of the  number of overs to be bowled shall be based upon one over for every 3¾  minutes in the total time available for play up to the scheduled close of play.  The calculation of the adjusted number of overs and the time remaining is  calculated using the following formulas:  Overs Remaining  = [A] – Overs already bowled  Time Remaining  = [B] – Time on field of play