Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2019

85  5 The John J. Mallen t20 Trophy Using the following table as guidance:  Time Remaining  on resumption  (Match)  Overs Available (Match)  Overs Per Innings  [A]  Length of Innings [B]  2h 32m  38 19  1h 11m 2h 25m  36  18  1h 0 7m  2h 17m  34  17  1h 0 3m  2h 10m  32  16  1h 00m 2h 0 2m  30  15  0h 56m  1h 55m  28  14  0h 52m  1h 47m  26  13  0h 48m  1h 40m  24  12  0h 45m  1h 32m  22  11  0h 41m  1h 25m  20  10  0h 37m  1h 17m  18  0 9  0h 33m  1h 10m  16  0 8  0h 30m  1h 0 2m  14  0 7  0h 26m  0h 55m  12  0 6  0h 22m  0h 47m  10  0 5  0h 18m  The calculation of the time allowance with which to bowl the allocated overs  is based on one over for each 3¾ minutes, rounded down to the nearest  minute where appropriate.  Competition Rules 8.2.5, 8.2.6 and 8.5.5 will apply.  If the side batting first has received more overs than that now allocated then  the innings is immediately closed, the side batting second will receive the  revised number of overs and the total to win is re‐calculated based on the  average run rate of the 1st innings (ignoring any fractions) and plus 1 run.  The time taken for the interval will be reduced to a maximum of 10 minutes.   The exact interval time shall be notified to both team captains by the umpires.  8.4.2 In the 2nd innings of the match, overs shall be reduced at a rate of one over  for every full 3¾ minutes lost, unless the 1st innings has finished early or the  2nd innings started early, in which case no overs are lost until the time that  has been gained is subsequently lost.