Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2020
4 Constitution, Rules & Playing Conditions 43 Copies of the completed forms are to be submitted to the Player Registrar prior to the registration being submitted. Therefore, anyone born between 1 st September 2006 and 31 st August 2007 inclusive is NOT eligible to play in this League UNTIL explicit written consent has been received by the Player Registrar. Any such breach will result in the player(s) being deemed as unregistered and the sanction advised under Rule 5.7.3 will apply. 5.1.6 Any Junior Player in Year 7 or below (Under 12 at Midnight on 31 August in the year preceding the current season), under a directive provided by the NCB, cannot play in open age cricket under any circumstances, unless they are listed on the NCB ‘Approved List’. This also extends to include players not listed on team sheets but who take to the field of play under any guise. Therefore, anyone born after 31 st August 2007 is NOT eligible to play in this League, unless they have been approved by the NCB. Any such breach will result in the player(s) being deemed as ineligible. The sanction will be determined by the LMC. 5.1.7 Registration data will be held electronically by the Player Registrar and made available to the ECB and other Leagues as required. A registration will carry over from season to season and shall be effective until cancelled by the club. 5.1.8 All registrations are time stamped on receipt and acceptance. No unregistered player will be eligible to play. The sanctions for non‐compliance shall apply. All registrations are accepted or rejected on receipt. The submitted time shall apply on acceptance where there are no issues surrounding the registration. 5.2 Categories Category 1 – Club Player 5.2.1 A player who is an EU national; AND They have not, within the 12 months leading up to April 1st immediately before the season in question either (1) played cricket for any Full Member Country outside the EU at U17 level or above; or (2) played First‐Class Cricket in any such Full Member Country except as an overseas cricketer under local rules similar to ECB Regulation 3 (Unqualified Cricketers) of the ECB Regulations Governing the Qualification and Registration of Cricketers, or in any other circumstances approved by the ECB; AND They make, whenever requested by the ECB, a declaration in the form set out in Annex A to the ECB Regulations Governing the Qualification and Registration of Cricketers.
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