Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2020
44 5.2.2 A player registered with the ECB by a First‐Class County Cricket Club, who played for two consecutive seasons immediately prior to their First‐Class registration. They will be re‐classified as Category 2 if they play cricket for another recreational club. 5.2.3 A Category 1 player subsequently engaged as a Club Professional by their club, or by any other club following a transfer, shall be re‐registered under Category 2. 5.2.4 A Category 1 player, who becomes a registered cricketer with the ECB after the start of the season, but remains with their original club, shall retain their Category 1 status for the remainder of the season. 5.2.5 All other players except those in Category 2, Category 3 or Category 3 (Exempt), subject to acceptance by the Player Registrar. Category 2 – Club Professional 5.2.6 Club Professional; a player, or a player whose family receives remuneration, financial inducement, or benefit in any form from a club, its sponsors, its other players, or any third party acting on the club’s behalf. To include: Inflated payments for coaching, work on the club’s ground or behind the club’s bar or any other remuneration where the payments do not represent a fair or proper reward for the hours spent by the player on behalf of the club. The provision of equipment without charge or at discounted value. Payment of travelling expenses to matches. Any other benefits in kind enjoyed by the player or their family where the cost is borne by the club, its sponsors, its other players or any third party on the club’s behalf and not by the player himself. 5.2.7 County Professional; a player with a First‐Class County Cricket Club who is a registered cricketer with the ECB and does not qualify under Category 1. 5.2.8 Ex‐County Professional; a player who, although not currently registered with the ECB by a First‐Class County Cricket Club, has been so registered in either of the previous two years. 5.2.9 A player engaged by a County Club on a ‘Summer Contract’. Category 3 – Overseas Player 5.2.10 Any players who meet the following criteria shall NOT be deemed to be an Overseas Player: They are an EU national whom meets the criteria for a Category 1 Player. They have been resident in England or Wales for the immediately preceding three consecutive years (for which purposes ‘year’ shall mean a year ending 1st April and in each ‘year’ they have spent a minimum of 210 days per year within England or Wales).
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