Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2020

4 Constitution, Rules & Playing Conditions 47  This rule does not apply to any player in Year 12 or below (Under 17 at  Midnight on 31 August in the year preceding the current season).  Therefore, this rule does not apply to anyone born after 31 st  August 2002.  Any such breach will  result in the player(s) being deemed as ineligible and the  sanction as advised under Rule 5.7.2 will apply.  5.4.5 If any player leaves a club who is not transferring to another club, and has no  outstanding disciplinary and/or financial and/or welfare or safeguarding  issues, his registration should be cancelled by the club without any  unnecessary delay.  If any player leaves a club and has outstanding disciplinary and/or financial  and/or welfare or safeguarding issues, his registration should remain until  such time that those issues are resolved.  5.5  Temporary Loans  5.5.1 Clubs are able to register up to a maximum of three players on a temporary  loan in order to avoid the cancellation of a fixture.  Only the lowest team within a club can play players on temporary loans.  The player(s) involved in these temporary loans must be registered players  with other clubs within the League.  No temporary loan player will be permitted to play in a game which is  TWO  DIVISIONS  lower than the last game they played within the BDCL.  5.5.2 The club registering a player on a temporary loan must provide written  confirmation to the Player Registrar that the parent club have no issues with  the temporary loan of the player, and that the player has no outstanding  disciplinary and/or welfare or safeguarding issues.  No player will be permitted a temporary loan after the third Saturday of  August.  5.5.3 All temporary loans must be submitted to the BDCL ECB Play‐Cricket site using  the timescales under Rule 5.6.  All registrations must have the word ‘‐LOAN’ added to the surname of the  player.  All registrations of players on a temporary loan will be counted as a new player  registration by the Player Registrar; the registration will be associated with the  loan club for the duration of the season to reduce duplication.  5.5.4 Statistics gained from the match for any loan player will not count towards  their League statistics for the purpose of League Awards.