Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2020

60  7.15.3 The Appeal shall be by way of re‐hearing before a different Committee.  7.15.4 The Appeals Sub‐Committee shall be chaired by the Chair of the LMC, or their  appointed deputy, and shall consist of not less than three persons.  The  composition of the committee shall be at the discretion of the chair.  7.15.5 The Appeals Sub‐Committee may confirm, vary or reverse the decusion of the  Disciplinary Sub‐Committee and it also has the power to increate the  sanctions.  Decision of the Appeals Sub‐Committee shall be by majority vote  and, where necessary, the chair shall have the casting vote.  7.15.6 The decision of the Appeals Sub‐Committee or, if no appeal, of the Disciplinary  Sub‐Committee, shall be final and binding.  7.16 Fines  Any decision by the LMC ordering any club to pay Umpires’ fees or expenses,  or any other monies, must be carried out by the club concerned within 21 days  from the date the club received notification from the League Secretary, failing  which a fine of £5.00 will be charged.  7.17 Unforeseen Matters  Any matters which may arise which are not provided for under these rules  (except those relating to the laws of the game) shall be dealt with by the LMC  whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.  8 Instructions to Clubs 8.1  The Pitch  8.1.1 The pitch must be properly prepared before the toss and shall not be changed  during the match unless it becomes unfit for play, and then only with the  consent of both Captains.  8.1.2 No match may be played on an artificial pitch.  8.1.3 The wickets should be pitched so that the centre of each stump is in line with  the back edge of the bowling crease.  8.1.4 Dots should be placed on either side of the pitch, in line with the return  creases and 5ft (1.52m), in front of the popping creases, to indicate the start  of the danger area of the bowler’s follow through.  8.1.5 Marks should be placed on the bowling crease, 1ft (0.3m) either side of the  middle stump, to indicate, in conjunction with Rule 8.1.4, the restricted area.  8.1.6 Prior to the toss of the coin the Captain of the home team should indicate to  his opposite number the roller(s) available for use between innings.  8.1.7 Between innings the ends of the pitch must be swept and the creases re‐ marked as required.