Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2020

72  7 Umpires 7.1  Neutral umpires, appointed by the Umpires Appointments Secretary will  officiate in all matches.  7.2  Each appointed Umpire shall be paid match expenses of £20.00.  In the event of only one registered League Umpire taking charge of both  bowling ends throughout the match, they shall be paid an additional £10.00.  7.3  On Finals Day, the Umpire’s expenses shall be the responsibility of the LMC.  8 Playing Conditions 8.1  Hours of Play  8.1.1 Play‐Off matches will commence at the following times:  1st Match  1.30pm  The scheduled hours of play will be (2 hours 45 minutes):  1st Match  1.30pm‐4.15pm  8.1.2 Matches will commence at the following times:  1st Match  10.45am  2nd Match  2.00pm  3rd Match  5.15pm  The scheduled hours of play will be (2 hours 45 minutes):  1st Match  10.45am‐1.30pm  2nd Match  2.00pm‐4.45pm  3rd Match  5.15pm‐8.00pm  8.1.3 Teams have 1 hour 15 minutes to bowl 20 overs.  8.1.4 There shall be an interval of a maximum of 15 minutes between the innings.  8.1.5 The Umpires will have sole authority as to when intervals shall be taken.  8.2  Length of Innings  8.2.1 Each side shall bat for 20 overs unless all out earlier.  If the team batting first is dismissed in less than 20 overs, the team batting  second shall be entitled to bat for 20 overs.  8.2.2 All sides are expected to have completed their 20 overs within 1 hour 15  minutes playing time.  This equates to a minimum of 16 overs per hour.  It is the responsibility of the Captain to ensure that his team bowl their  allocated overs within the playing time.