Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Generic Rules Document B P a g e | 3 5.2 No part of any sightscreen should be within the field of play. To comply with the MCC Laws of Cricket 2017, a rope should be placed on the ground around a sightscreen, with sufficient space to allow for the movement of over and around bowling actions, where an obstruction prevents the sightscreen being positioned outside the normal boundary line. 5.3 Where the frequent movement of a sightscreen is required the batting side should provide the necessary persons to achieve this with the minimum of delay. 5.4 Boundary hits shall count as four runs, except for a ball hit full pitch on to, or clear of, the boundary line shall count six runs, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Captains before the commencement of play. 6 Hospitality 6.1 Changing facilities, preferably separate from the players’ dressing rooms, should be available for the Umpires and should be secure, clean, and tidy. Clean white coats should be available. 6.2 Each club must have adequate sanitary accommodation on the ground and a complete first-aid kit available in the pavilion. 6.3 No teas are to be provided. All players and officials shall provide their own sustenance. Hot and cold drinks should be available for players and officials, as required. 7 Clothing No players shall be allowed to play unless they are wearing recognised white cricket clothing. 8 Match Balls 8.1 All match balls will be stamped with the BDCL logo and must be purchased through League arrangements as communicated. Each club shall provide its own balls for use when fielding. For League games played in the Championship, the match ball shall be new and must be: • Reader Special County Imperial Crown • Reader Sovereign