Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Qualification & Registration of Players Document D P a g e | 4 1.18 Professional Overseas players shall be eligible to play for a club’s First Eleven, and not below Division 4. Only one Overseas or one Professional player will be permitted per season. ECB Regulations governing the qualification and registration of cricketers and their qualification to play for England 1.19 Information on overseas players can be found on the ECB website: Governance – Regulations – Non-First-Class Regulations – Generic Rules and Playing Conditions 3.2 to 3.3.6. Advice for the registration of Overseas Players by BDCL/ECB/Home Office 1.20 The BDCL is not registered to provide advice on immigration. Clubs receiving NON-UK migrants MUST abide by Home Office immigration policy and law. It is important that clubs check the Home Office website for the latest information, advice, and regulations before taking any actions: 1.21 These rules are subject to change at short notice and any regulations posted on the BDCL website will always take precedence . Clubs will be notified by the League Management Committee of any changes, but the final responsibility to ensure full compliance rests unequivocally with the club and its committee. If a player is deemed a professional, then playing them as an amateur is treated as illegally employing a foreign worker. 2 Registration 2.1 The League Management Committee has the discretion to reject or remove any registration. 2.2 All clubs MUST use the online registration system on their Club Play-Cricket site to register players. 2.3 All U16 players must have parental consent, which is established via Play-Cricket as part of the registration process. The Match Administrator will not be aware of any such registrations until Parental Consent is granted. 2.4 No player shall be registered concurrently with more than one Saturday League club (unless permitted under Rule 1.3 or Rule 4). 2.5 The information shall contain the Forename, Surname, Address, Date of Birth, Country of Birth, and the Most Recent Entry into the UK (if Country of Birth is outside of the UK) of all players. 2.6 It is the responsibility of clubs to ensure that players’ registrations are in the correct category and have been received by the Match Administrator, along with all required documentation, within the required timescales.