Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Qualification & Registration of Players Document D P a g e | 6 3 Transfers 3.1 A player may be transferred from one club to another at their request. 3.2 A club approached by, or seeking to approach, a member of another club to move or transfer, must notify the player’s present club prior to entering any negotiations with the player concerned. Failure by a club to comply with either will result in a ban on registering any new players other than graduates from its own youth system, the length of ban to be decided by the League Management Committee. 3.3 A transfer must not be unreasonably withheld, or the request will be dealt with by the League Management Committee. 3.4 Transfers must be acknowledged on Play-Cricket by the existing club. 3.5 Professional and Overseas players cannot be transferred to another BDCL club in the same season. 3.6 Unless a player holds a dual registration, the registration will not be accepted until all other registrations have been removed, should it not be possible to transfer the registration on Play-Cricket. 3.7 Players who are registered with BDCL clubs but have not played in the previous season shall automatically become ‘free agents’; no acknowledgement will be required on Play-Cricket for such transfers. 4 Loan Players 4.1 Clubs can register up to a maximum of three players on a temporary loan to avoid the cancellation of a fixture. Only the lowest team within a club can play loan players. The player(s) involved must be registered players with other clubs within the BDCL. No loan player will be permitted to play in a game which is TWO DIVISIONS lower than the last game they played within the BDCL. 4.2 Clubs playing in the John J. Mallen t20 Cup Competition are permitted to register up to a maximum of three players on a temporary loan. Clubs progressing beyond the final into ECB competitions will need to be aware that such players will NOT be eligible to play. 4.3 The parent club of loan players will be required to acknowledge the loan via Play-Cricket. 4.4 No club will be permitted to play loan players after the third Saturday of August. 4.5 Registrations for all loans must be submitted to Play-Cricket using the timescales under Rule 5.