Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Qualification & Registration of Players Document D P a g e | 8 6 Sanctions & Appeals 6.1 Clubs who play a player or players not registered as per Rules 5.2 and 5.3 will be deemed as unregistered. 6.2 Clubs who fail to correctly submit player registrations will receive a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Such sanctions will be retrospectively applied to each game that any player has played. 6.3 Clubs who play player(s) in breach of these rules (not-withstanding Rules 6.1 and 6.2), will result in player(s) deemed as ineligible. 6.4 Clubs found to be in serious breach of these regulations with respect to Player Registration will be dealt with at the discretion of the League Management Committee. 6.5 Clubs playing unregistered player(s) will face a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. 6.6 Clubs playing ineligible player(s) will concede the game and will face a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. In the event of both teams playing ineligible player(s), each ineligible player will incur a fine and neither teamwill benefit from the award of any additional points because of its opponents’ misdemeanour. Further point deductions may be imposed, and financial penalties levied at the discretion of the League Management Committee. 6.7 In addition to the sanctions under Rules 6.5 and 6.6, should the misdemeanour be deemed necessary of further investigation, or gave the team a distinct advantage, further sanctions will be determined by the League Management Committee. 6.8 Both players and clubs may appeal against registration decisions. Such appeals must be submitted in writing (email accepted) to the League Secretary within four days of the registration decision. The onus will be placed on the club to clarify the registration position of any of its players prior to their inclusion in a match. 7 Spirit of the Rule The reputation of the club is enhanced if it: • Is open about any approach to a player of another club, or any approach by a player of another club. • Does not offer hidden incentives to players. • Acts within the spirit, as well as the letter, of this rule.