Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Disciplinary Regulations Document E P a g e | 7 8 Procedure 8.1 The Discipline Chair shall, as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt of a report, inform the Secretary of the concerned club (or other participant as appropriate in the circumstances) that a report has been made. 8.2 Any Level 1 or Level 2 breach of the Code of Conduct should in the first instance be dealt with by the participant’s club (in accordance with the guideline penalties detailed at paragraph 6), and the Secretary of the club shall notify the Discipline Chair within 48 hours of any action taken by the club or which it proposes to take. 8.3 Within 48 hours of receipt of notification from the Secretary of the club as to its action or proposed action, the Discipline Chair shall consider the matter and resolve: i. Where a participant admits the matter(s): a. To take no further action except to record the complaint and notify the club of their decision b. To endorse any action taken by the club and confirm that no further action is required c. Where any action taken by the club is deemed insufficient, to impose a penalty on the player. In such a case the player will have the Right of Appeal against the penalty under Rule 18 d. To refer the matter for a full disciplinary hearing ii. Where a participant denies the matter(s) or where it is not known whether they admit or deny the matter(s): a. To take no further action except to record the complaint and notify the club of their decision, or b. To refer the matter for a full disciplinary hearing. 8.4 Level 3 or 4 complaints will automatically be subject to a full Disciplinary Hearing. As soon as possible, or at least within 48 hours of receipt of the written complaint for a Level 3 or 4, the League Secretary, or their nominated deputy, from the relevant League to which the report was submitted, shall forward this report to the Chair of the NDCG. 8.5 The County Safeguarding Officer will immediately be informed of any case which: i. Involves a player under the age of 18 years old ii. Threatens the welfare of any player, spectator or official regardless of age. In such circumstances, the incident may be regarded as: a. A welfare and child protection case