Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Disciplinary Regulations Document E P a g e | 13 iv. Using language or gesture to another player, umpire, team official or spectator that, in the circumstances, is obscene or of a seriously insulting nature v. or any other misconduct, the nature of which is, in the opinion of the umpires, equivalent to a Level 2 offence 13.2 If such an offence is committed, the following shall be implemented: i. The umpire shall call Time, if necessary ii. Together the umpires shall summon and inform the offending player’s captain that an offence at this Level has occurred. iii. The umpire shall award 5 Penalty runs to the opposing team iv. The umpire shall warn the offending player’s captain that any future Level 1 offence by any member of his/her team shall result in the award of 5 Penalty runs to the opposing team v. As soon as practicable the umpire shall call Play vi. The umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending player’s team and to any Governing Body responsible for the match, who shall take such further action as is considered appropriate against the captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate the team. 13.3 The following penalties should be expected for offences at LEVEL 2: i. A possible ban from all ECB cricket from 2-8 weeks and possible fines and/or points deductions. Any sanction can be immediate, suspended, or both. 14 Level 3 Offences & Action by Umpires 14.1 Either of the following actions by a player shall constitute a Level 3 offence: i. Intimidating an umpire by language or gesture ii. Threatening to assault a player or any other person except an umpire (see Level 4 offences) 14.2 If such an offence is committed the following shall be implemented: i. The umpire shall call Time, if necessary ii. Together the umpires shall summon and inform the offending player’s captain that an offence at this Level has occurred iii. The umpire shall direct the captain to remove the offending player immediately from the field of play, for a period in accordance with the following: