Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Disciplinary Regulations Document E P a g e | 15 iv. The umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending player’s team and to any Governing Body responsible for the match, who shall take such further action as is considered appropriate against the captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team. 14.4 The following penalties should be expected for offences at LEVEL 3: i. A possible ban from all ECB cricket from 4-10 weeks and possible fines and/or points deductions. Any sanction must be immediate with suspended sanctions only allowed as additions. 15 Level 4 Offences & Action by Umpires 15.1 Any of the following actions by a player shall constitute a Level 4 offence: i. Threatening to assault an umpire ii. Making inappropriate and deliberate physical contact with an umpire iii. Physically assaulting a player or any other person iv. Committing any other act of violence 15.2 If such an offence is committed, the following shall be implemented: i. The umpire shall call Time, if necessary ii. Together the umpires shall summon and inform the offending player’s captain that an offence at this Level has occurred iii. The umpires shall direct the captain to remove the offending player immediately from the field of play for the remainder of the match and shall apply the following: a. If the offending player is a fielder, no substitute shall be allowed for him/her. He/she is to be recorded as Retired out at the commencement of any subsequent innings in which his/her team is the batting side. b. If a bowler is suspended mid-over, then that over must be completed by a different bowler, who shall not have bowled the previous over nor shall be permitted to bowl the next over. c. If the offending player is a batsman, he/she is to be recorded as Retired - out in the current innings, unless he/she has been dismissed under any of the Laws 32-39, and at the commencement of any subsequent innings in which his/her team is the batting side. If no further batsman is available to bat, the innings is completed.