Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Disciplinary Regulations Document E P a g e | 16 d. Warn the offending player’s captain that any future Level 1 offence shall result in the award of 5 Penalty runs to the opposing team. 15.3 As soon as practicable, the umpire shall: i. Award 5 Penalty runs to the opposing team ii. Signal the Level 4 penalty to the scorers iii. Call Play iv. The umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending player’s team and to any Governing Body responsible for the match, who shall take such further action as is considered appropriate against the captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team 15.4 The following penalties should be expected for offences at LEVEL 4: i. A minimum ban from all ECB cricket of 10 weeks and possible fines and/or points deductions. Any sanction must be immediate with suspended sanctions only allowed as additions. 16 Captains refusing to remove a player from the Field 16.1 If a captain refuses to carry out an instruction under Level 3 offences or Level 4 offences, the umpires shall invoke Law 16.3 (Umpires awarding a match). 16.2 If both captains refuse to carry out instructions under Level 3 offences or Level 4 offences in respect of the same incident, the umpires shall instruct the players to leave the field. The match is not concluded as in Law 12.9 (Conclusion of match) and there shall be no result under Law 16 (The result). 17 Additional points relating to Level 3 and Level 4 Offences 17.1 If a player, whilst acting as wicketkeeper, commits a Level 3 or Level 4 offence, Law 24.1.2 shall not apply, meaning that only a nominated player may act as wicketkeeper, even if another fielder becomes injured or ill and is replaced by a substitute. 17.2 A nominated player who has a substitute or runner will also suffer the penalty for any Level 3 or Level 4 offence committed by the substitute or runner and will be reported under Level 3 offence 4 or Level 4 offence 2e. 17.3 The conduct listed in Level 1 to 4 above cannot be exhaustive. Where any alleged breach falls outside the conduct above, whether on or off the field, the NCDG Chair or Discipline Chair of the relevant League shall determine the appropriate Level with reference to the following factors: