Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Constitution Document A P a g e | 3 5.4 The entrance fee for any newly admitted club shall be determined by the League Management Committee. 5.5 The yearly subscription from each club shall be determined by the League Management Committee. 5.6 If the income from subscriptions is insufficient to meet League expenses, a further levy may be made on each club. 5.7 Honoraria, if any, to be paid to any individuals shall be agreed annually by the League Management Committee. 6 Officers 6.1 The officers of the League shall consist of The President, Vice-President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Administrator, Statistician, and the Umpires Appointment Secretary, all of whom, except for the President and Vice- President, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 6.2 The President and Vice-President shall be elected by the League Management Committee and during the year of office and for one year thereafter shall be entitled to serve on the League Management Committee. 6.3 Life Members and Life Vice-Presidents may be elected by the League Management Committee in recognition of past services to the League, the former being entitled to attend meetings of the League Management Committee. 6.4 A Handbook Editor, an Independent Examiner, a Lead Sponsorship Officer, and a Press/Advertising Officer shall be appointed by the League Management Committee from its own elected members or by co-opting non-voting officers. 7 General Meetings 7.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the last Sunday in January each year. 7.2 Nominations of officers and members of the League Management Committee must be received by the League Secretary not later than 28 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. If the number of nominations makes it necessary, the election of such officers and members shall be by ballot at the Annual General Meeting.