Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Constitution Document A P a g e | 4 7.3 Proposals for alterations to these rules to be considered at the Annual General Meeting must be received by the League Secretary not later than 28 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Proposals for such alterations may also be made by the League Management Committee and the Bassetlaw & District Umpires Association. 7.4 Ten clear days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting, which will include nominations of officers and members of the League Management Committee and proposals for alterations to these rules, shall be forwarded to each club. 7.5 Not more than two representatives of each Member Club shall attend the Annual General Meeting, only one of whom shall be entitled to vote on all issues generally transacted at such a meeting. 7.6 The President, or Immediate Past President, or if both these officers shall be absent, a deputy appointed by the meeting shall preside at an AGM and shall have a casting vote. 7.7 If it is thought desirable that only certain Member Clubs should vote on a certain matter, this restriction shall only be permitted with the specific consent of the Annual General Meeting. 7.8 Any club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting shall receive a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. 7.9 If after the election of the members of the League Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting any alterations duly made under Rule 7.3 at the same Annual General Meeting affect the constitution of the League Management Committee, then these alterations will take affect from the date of the next Annual General Meeting unless an Extraordinary General Meeting is called under Rule 7.11 to authorise an earlier implementation. 7.10 All competitions will be played under the rules approved by the Annual General Meeting. 7.11 The rules applicable to the Annual General Meeting, except for Rule 7.1, shall also apply to an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever such a meeting is convened.