Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Subscriptions & Sanctions Document H P a g e | 3 8 Document B, Rule 10.2 – Cancellation of Matches No such cancellation shall be made 3 hours prior to the scheduled start time. Failure by the home club to contact the away club to seek agreement that the game is cancelled due to adverse playing conditions, and the away team arrive at the ground believing the game is to be played, shall receive a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Sanction: £10.00, with the match result counted as a ‘Win’ for the opposition. 9 Document B, Rule 10.5 – Cancellation of Matches Any club failing to fulfil a League engagement will face a sanction as decided by the League Management Committee. Sanction: League Matches £10.00 and a 10-point deduction. Cup Matches £50.00. All match results will be deemed as ‘Conceded’. 10 Document B, Rule 14.1 – Late Start & Absent Players In the event of a late start, notwithstanding Rule 16, Document F or Rule 18, Document G, the Umpires must intimate to the Captain(s) of the offending team(s) that a complaint will be made to the League Secretary. In the event of no umpires being present, the Captain(s) should make the complaint. Teams unable to start at the scheduled time shall receive a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Sanction: League Matches £20.00 and a 1-point deduction for each 5 overs lost. Cup Matches £20.00 for each 2 overs lost.