Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Subscriptions & Sanctions Document H P a g e | 4 11 Document B, Rule 16.1 – Notification of Results All results must be entered on to the BDCL ECB Play-Cricket Website on the day of the match. The home side has the full responsibility for the submission and correctness of the result. Failure to submit will result in a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Sanction: League Matches 2-point deduction. Cup Matches £20.00. 12 Document B, Rule 16.2 - Notification of Results A photograph of the Match team card must be emailed to the Match Administrator on the day of the match. The home side has the full responsibility for the submission of the photograph of the match team card. Failure to submit will result in a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Sanction: League Matches 1-point deduction. Cup Matches £20.00. 13 Document B, Rule 16.3 – Notification of Results When a match is not scored via the ECB’s Play Cricket Scorer, sufficient photographs of the scorebook, to show both innings, must be emailed to the Match Administrator on the day of the match. The home side has the full responsibility to submit the photographs of the scorebook. Failure to submit will result in a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Sanction: League Matches 1-point deduction.