Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Official Handbook 2021

Subscriptions & Sanctions Document H P a g e | 6 17 Document D, Rule 4.3 – Movement A transfer from a club within the BDCL must not be unreasonably withheld or the request will be dealt with by the League Management Committee. Sanction: To be determined by the League Management Committee at the next scheduled meeting. 18 Document D, Rule 4.4 – Movement A club approached by, or seeking to approach, a member of another club to move or transfer, must notify the player’s present club prior to entering any negotiations with the player concerned. Failure by a club to comply with either will result in a ban on registering any new players other than graduates from its own youth system, the length of ban to be decided by the League Management Committee. Sanction: To be determined by the League Management Committee at the next scheduled meeting. 19 Document D, Rule 7.1 – Sanctions & Appeals Clubs found to be in serious breach of regulations in respect with Player Registration will be dealt with at the discretion of the League Management Committee. Sanction: To be determined by the League Management Committee at the next scheduled meeting. 20 Document D, Rule 7.2 – Sanctions & Appeals Clubs playing ineligible player(s) will concede the game and will face a sanction as determined by the League Management Committee. Sanction: League Matches £30.00 and a 10-point deduction for each player. Cup Matches £30.00 for each player.