Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Section G P a g e | 100 Table 3 – Interrupted Matches (2 nd Innings) Time of Resumption Overs Remaining Length of Innings (+ over in progress) Overs per Bowler No. of PowerPlay Overs (h+1) :40 20 1h 20m 5b x 4o 6 (h+1) :44 19 1h 16m 4b x 4o, 1b x 3o 5 (h+1) :48 18 1h 12m 3b x 4o, 2b x 3o 5 (h+1) :52 17 1h 0 8m 2b x 4o, 3b x 3o 5 (h+1) :56 16 1h 0 4m 1b x 4o, 4b x 3o 4 (h+2) :00 15 1h 0 0m 5b x 3o 4 (h+2) :04 14 0h 56m 4b x 3o, 1b x 2o 4 (h+2) :08 13 0h 52m 3b x 3o, 2b x 2o 3 (h+2) :12 12 0h 48m 2b x 3o, 3b x 2o 3 (h+2) :16 11 0h 44m 1b x 3o, 4b x 2o 3 (h+2) :20 10 0h 40m 5b x 2o 3 (h+2) :24 0 9 0h 36m 4b x 2o, 1b x 1o 2 (h+2) :28 0 8 0h 32m 3b x 2o, 2b x 1o 2 (h+2) :32 0 7 0h 28m 2b x 2o, 3b x 1o 2 (h+2) :36 0 6 0h 24m 1b x 2o, 4b x 1o 1 (h+2) :40 0 5 0h 20m 5b x 1o 1 No resumption in play before (h+2) :40 Abandoned bowl out or coin toss for winner if no reserve date available The following should be used where there is sufficient time to allow the innings to consist of a minimum of 5 overs or where play can resume and the overs available can be added to those already completed to conclude the game. Time of Resumption Overs Remaining Length of Innings (+ over in progress) Overs per Bowler No. of PowerPlay Overs (h+2) :44 0 4 0h 16m As above (Determined by total number of overs) (h+2) :48 0 3 0h 12m (h+2) :52 0 2 0h0 8m (h+2) :56 0 1 0h 0 4m No resumption in play before (h+2) :56 Abandoned if less than 5 overs completed - bowl out or coin toss for winner if no reserve date available