Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Section A P a g e | 26 8.11 The Chair, or in their absence, the Vice-Chair, or if both are absent, a deputy appointed by the League Management Committee shall preside at all League Management Committee Meetings and shall have a casting vote. 8.12 The League Management Committee will meet, unless otherwise communicated, on each second Tuesday of the month. 9 Trophies 9.1 Each winning club shall be responsible for the insurance of the trophy it holds during the ensuing twelve months. Clubs will be advised of the value of each trophy for insurance purposes. 9.2 Each trophy must be returned in clean condition to the Appointed League Engraver not later than the date requested by the Awards Manager in each year. Each club failing to observe this rule shall receive a fine of £75.00. 10 Return of Circulated Documents Documents distributed by the League Secretary or other League Management Committee members by online forms/e-mail and/or post should be returned by the timescales provided. Failure by a club to return a circulated document related to the administration of the League by the due date shall receive a fine of £10.00. 11 Fines Clubs will have 14 days in which to pay any fines issued by the League Treasurer. Any club failing to comply shall receive a further fine of £25.00 per 14-day period from the date of the original fine, that the fine remains unpaid. 12 Winding-up 12.1 The members may vote to wind up the League at a properly convened Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Three quarters of all member clubs shall form a quorum. 12.2 The League Management Committee will be responsible for the orderly winding up of the League's affairs. 12.3 After settling all liabilities of the League, the League Management Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to the Recreational Cricket Advisory Group.