Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Section B P a g e | 28 Generic Rules 1 Insurance 1.1 Each club is strongly recommended to ensure that it has Public Liability, including employer’s Liability, Insurance cover for a minimum of £2,000,000. 1.2 Clubmark Accredited Clubs, or those wishing to gain Clubmark Accreditation, will need to possess the minimum amount as specified by the ECB. 2 Ground Criteria 2.1 Clubs wishing to participate in the Championship, must adhere to the following ten requirements, which must be in place by the last day of November in the year/season in which the right to promotion to the Championship has been earned: i. The outfield shall be flat with the grass cut short. The minimum distance to all boundaries should be 35 yards (32 metres). ii. There should be sightscreens at each end of effective height and width. They should be clean and white (or eggshell blue). iii. Boundaries to be clearly defined with a continuous rope or white line. iv. A competent scorer should be available for all matches. The scoring accommodation should be separate, with a manual or electronic system accessible to the scorers. v. Ground equipment and requirements should consist of light and heavy rollers; wheel-on or sheet covers; correct marking of pitches; re-marking of lines between innings; sawdust available. vi. Where possible dressing rooms should be adjacent to the playing area, lockable, clean, and decorated, of suitable size (100 ft2. (9.3m2) minimum), with sufficient seating to accommodate both teams. Wash hand-basins and mirrors should also be available. vii. Ladies’ and Gents’ toilets should be available. They should be clean, convenient and contain hand-basins and hand driers or towels. viii. The umpires’ room should be separate and secure with sufficient clothes hanging facilities. ix. Club facilities should comply where possible with current Health and Food regulations. x. A first-aid kit should be available.