Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Generic Rules P a g e | 29 2.2 Should the ten requirements as stated above not be fulfilled by the date stated, promotion to the Championship will not be accepted by the League Management Committee. 3 The Pitch 3.1 The pitch must be properly prepared before the toss and shall not be changed during the match unless it becomes unfit for play, and then only with the consent of both Captains. 3.2 No match may be played on an artificial pitch. 3.3 The wickets should be pitched so that the centre of each stump is in line with the back edge of the bowling crease. 3.4 Dots should be placed on either side of the pitch, in line with the return creases and 5ft (1.52m), in front of the popping creases, to indicate the start of the danger area of the bowler’s follow through. 3.5 Marks should be placed on the bowling crease, 1ft (0.3m) either side of the middle stump, to indicate, in conjunction with Rule 8.1.4, the restricted area. 3.6 Prior to the toss of the coin the captain of the home team should indicate to their opposite number the roller(s) available for use between innings. 3.7 Between innings the ends of the pitch must be swept, and the creases re- marked as required. 4 The Square Adequate repair of bowler’s foot holes on used pitches should be carried out during the preparation of the ground. 5 Boundaries 5.1 The boundaries on all grounds must have a boundary line clearly defined with a rope or a white line and plastic markers for extra visibility. Metal or wooden stakes are not allowed due to the possible risk of injury to a fielder through their use. 5.2 No part of any sightscreen should be within the field of play. To comply with the MCC Laws of Cricket 2017, a rope should be placed on the ground around a sightscreen, with sufficient space to allow for the movement of over and around bowling actions, where an obstruction prevents the sightscreen being positioned outside the normal boundary line.