Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Section B P a g e | 34 13.8 If no Umpire (or substitute) is available, Captains take full responsibility and sole authority for the conduct of the game. In deciding whether a game should start, be stopped, or re-started due to unsatisfactory conditions of the ground, weather or light, every attempt should be made to reach an agreement. Bearing in mind that the safety of players is paramount, should an accident occur which is due to unsatisfactory conditions, then the captain could be held liable. When in doubt, or if the captains disagree, then play should not take place. Captains are encouraged to report incidents where the actions of players in terms of their behaviour, language and/or conduct is such, that it is felt that the relevant players should be reported to the League Management Committee under its Code of Conduct. 13.9 In the event of a match being cancelled but the appointed Umpires, not having been told of the cancellation, arrive at the ground in time for the scheduled start time, they shall be paid full match expenses by the home club. 13.10 There shall be an annual review of the Umpires expenses, carried out by a group constituted by members of the League Management Committee and the BDUA, the findings of which shall be binding. 13.11 Any club wishing to join the BDCL, shall provide one Umpire for each team it wishes to enter the League. All such Umpires should be acceptable to the BDUA and should not be drawn from the existing pool of Umpires. The League Management Committee appeals to all existing clubs to make every effort to provide at least one Umpire for each team entered in the League. 13.12 Ground conditions, and especially pitches, shall be confidentially assessed by the umpires in consultation who shall submit a report to the League Secretary at their discretion. 14 Scorers & Scoreboard 14.1 For all Divisions and under normal circumstances, the scorer should not be a player in the match. However, if no scorer be available, then the scoring duties should be completed by a player in the match from the side batting. 14.2 The scorers must accept the umpire’s signals and instructions and, though it is no part of their duty to dictate to the umpires, mutual consultation to clear up doubtful points is, always, permissible, and welcome. 14.3 The scorers must document the bowler’s name if the batter is out bowled, caught, stumped, leg before wicket or hit wicket. The scorers must document the fielder’s name if the batter is out caught, stumped, or run out.