Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Qualification & Registration of Players P a g e | 45 been informed of such an arrangement will not approve a Play-Cricket transfer request from the other League unless requested to by the player, so enabling them to be free to play for their BDCL 'parent' club on their return. Clubs playing in ECB Cup Competitions will need to ensure that such players are not cup-tied. 1.4 The BDCL adopts the ECB Directive on junior cricketers playing in open age matches (see Rule 2.9). Professional Players (Category 2) 1.5 Clubs are restricted to one ‘Registered Professional’. Full details of this player must be supplied annually (before they are permitted to play) to the Match Administrator. The club will need to submit Form C4; the player will need to complete Form P4. 1.6 No other playing member in the club, apart from the Registered Professional, shall receive financial support or services or goods of any kind from the club for playing cricket. However, the club may pay a registered playing member to undertake contractual commercial services for the club such as maintenance of premises and playing facilities. The club is required to inform the League Management Committee at the commencement of employment of name(s) and the nature of the contractual commercial services being provided, using Form C4. 1.7 No contractual agreement between a registered professional and a club shall be for a period above 12 months nor extend into another cricket season. 1.8 Professional players shall be eligible to play for a club’s First Eleven, and not below Division 4. Only one Professional or one Overseas player will be permitted per season. Overseas Players (Category 3) 1.9 An Overseas player is one who does not possess a UK Passport nor a visa that gives right of abode and is not time limited. Currently, EU Passport holders who hold a settled status visa may play as a Category 1. Evidence will be needed to support this. 1.10 All Overseas (born outside the UK) players MUST be registered with the Match Administrator. The club must submit Form C5; the player must submit Form P5. 1.11 Overseas players shall be eligible to play for a club’s First Eleven, and not below Division 4. Only one Overseas or one Professional player will be permitted per season. Eligible Players (formally Category 3E) 1.12 An Eligible player is someone who has spent 210 days or more in the UK in the previous year (specifically 1 April to 31 March). All other cricketers will be regarded as Unqualified (and registered as Category 3). Eligible players will be