Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Section D P a g e | 46 registered as Category 1. There is no limit on the number of Eligible players a club may register. As well as the club submitting Form C3, and the player Form P3, it is a requirement that all clubs be expected to maintain their own register (and keep tab on the 210 days) of who will be regarded as Eligible. Players wrongly registered as Eligible will be treated as illegal immigrants by the Home Office. Professional Players must be registered using Forms C6 and P6. 1.13 Players are regarded as Professional if they have been registered with a professional or semi-professional team (including Pathways and age group from U17 in those teams and clubs) in the four years prior to entering the UK, if they have received payment (in kind) including travel and accommodation in the past 4 years, if they have used an agent to further opportunities in cricket and if they have played for a national side (U17 upwards) in the previous two years. These players are NOT permitted to play recreational cricket in the UK. The BDCL is obligated to ensure as far as possible that these rules are adhered to. Refer to Rule 1.17. 1.14 Players who are not normally resident in the UK but hold a UK passport or are resident with a spousal or an ancestral visa are permitted to play as Category 1. Form C2 must be completed before the player can be officially registered. 1.15 For the purposes of all players normally resident overseas (residing in the UK for less than 210 of the year), playing for a club outside the UK in the preceding close season will count as having played in the Current Season. 1.16 A U19 player who would ordinarily be registered as an overseas player, but whose exceptional circumstances, in the opinion of the League Management Committee, merits inclusion within the spirit of this rule, will be permitted to play on a purely recreational basis in Division 2 or below, for a club’s lowest team. Professional Overseas Player (Tier 5 Creative and Sporting Visa) (Category 3) 1.17 Clubs may obtain the services of one professional overseas player/coach. Clubs must apply to the Border Agency for a sponsor’s license and obtain a Tier 5 creative and sporting visa before they can employ an overseas player/coach under the ‘points-based managed migration system’. Rules 1.9 to Rule 1.15 still apply. The player must be in possession of a Tier 5 creative and sporting visa before they can be registered. 1.18 Professional Overseas players shall be eligible to play for a club’s First Eleven, and not below Division 4. Only one Overseas or one Professional player will be permitted per season. ECB Regulations governing the qualification and registration of cricketers and their qualification to play for England