Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Qualification & Registration of Players P a g e | 49 3.6 Unless a player holds a dual registration, the registration will not be accepted until all other registrations have been removed, should it not be possible to transfer the registration on Play-Cricket. 3.7 Players who are registered with BDCL clubs but have not played in the previous season shall automatically become ‘free agents’; no acknowledgement will be required on Play-Cricket for such transfers. 4 Loan Players 4.1 No loans at all are allowed to or from teams in the Championship and Division 1. Players, who are registered with clubs within the BDCL, may be loaned freely between all teams in Division 2 and below, except that a loan player may only play for the lowest team at a club. However, no loan player, who has played 5 of the last 8 games in a higher division that have commenced for his registered club in the current or previous season can be loaned to a team in a lower division whether for a scheduled or rescheduled fixture. A lower division player may be loaned to a team in higher division with the player’s agreement. In the case of this loan, clubs must be mindful of their duty of care to young players playing in a higher division. 4.2 There is no restriction on the number of teams a player may be loaned to or on the number of loan players allowed in a particular match. However, no player should replace a home club player who is available and willing to play. 4.3 A loan player can play for more than one team over the same weekend. 4.4 There shall be no restrictions upon the loan of an U16 (school Year 11 or below) player, who may be loaned freely to any team. 4.5 For all scheduled and re-scheduled fixtures, the selection of loan players is subject to Rules 6.1 or Rule 4.1, Section F respectively. 4.6 Provided that the proposed loan player is eligible under Rules 4.1 to 4.5 above, no notification is required to, nor consent to be sought from, the opposing Captain for that player to take part in a match. For otherwise ineligible players, please note also Rule 6.1. 4.7 Clubs playing in t20 Cup Competitions are permitted to register up to a maximum of three players on loan. Clubs progressing beyond the final of the John J. Mallen t20 Cup Competition into ECB competitions will need to be aware that such players will NOT be eligible to play. 4.8 No club will be permitted to play loan players after 31 July. 4.9 Players found to be in breach of Rules 4.1 to 4.8 will be deemed ineligible. 4.10 The League Management Committee may intervene, without having received an official complaint, and take appropriate action, should they feel that there has been a clear breach of the spirit of the loan system, such as the deliberate strengthening of a team.