Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2022

Disciplinary Regulations P a g e | 55 4 Fair & Unfair Play According to the Laws, the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play. The umpires may intervene at any time, and it is the responsibility of the captain to act where required. 4.1 The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of: i. Time wasting ii. Damaging the pitch iii. Dangerous or unfair bowling iv. Tampering with the ball v. Any other action that they consider to be unfair 4.2 The Spirit of Cricket involves RESPECT for: i. Your opponents ii. Your own captain or team iii. The role of the umpires iv. The game’s traditional values 4.3 It is against the Spirit of Cricket: i. To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action, or gesture ii. To direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire iii. To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance: a. to appeal knowing the batter is not out b. advances towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing c. seeks to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side. 5 Violence There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play. 6 Players Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expected to make an important contribution to this.